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Patient Portal Registration

Your username cannot be changed in the future. Although not required, we recommend you use your email address as your username.
The email address entered will be used for order confirmations, notifications regarding your account, and in the event that you need to reset your password in the future.
If you were referred by a Systemic Formulas practitioner and were given your practitioner's referral code to order products, please include this referral code here.

In order to register for a Patient Direct by Systemic Formulas account, I agree to the following:

  1. I agree with and will comply with the Patient Direct to consumer patient agreement terms, the privacy policy, and the resale policy.
  2. I have read the warnings for each product I am purchasing.
  3. I agree not to resell any products I purchase.
  4. I will consult with my health care professional:
    1. About other medications or products I am using
    2. If I am pregnant or breastfeeding or might become pregnant
    3. To find out if a contraindication or pre-existing medical condition applies to my situation
    4. To make sure each product is appropriate for my situation
  5. I understand that Systemic Formulas products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease and that Systemic Formulas does not provide health care advice or recommendations regarding my individual health status.
  6. I understand that I am authorized to purchase only those products that have been recommended by my health care professional, and I will discuss any questions regarding the products or my use of them with my health care professional prior to using any product.
  7. I understand Systemic Formulas does not accept returns.
Acceptance of Terms(Required)